2nd SCAR Summer School on Polar Geodesy AARI Ladoga Base, Russia, 10 – 19 May 2018
The SCAR Summer School on Polar Geodesy provides a concise course on geodetic ground‐based and satellite methods focussed on polar applications in combination with lectures on geophysics and glaciology.
The school addresses master and PhD students as well as young scientists (age limit: 30 years) to draw their interest to polar research and to the cooperation of different geoscientific disciplines to carry out investigations both in the Arctic and Antarctic.
The school is supported by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), especially by the SCAR Expert Group on Geodetic Infrastructure in Antarctica (GIANT) and by the SCAR Research Programme “Solid Earth Response and Cryosphere Evolution” (SERCE). It serves as an important part of the Education and Outreach program of both entities.
It is supported by the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI), Russian Antarctic Expedition (RAE) and Joint Stock Company “Aerogeodesya”, St. Petersburg, Russia, under the patronage of Alexander Makarov (Director of AARI), Alexander Klepikov (Deputy Director of AARI and Head of RAE), Valery Lukin (Head of Department, RAE) and Alexey Matveev (Director General, JSC “Aerogeodesya”). Local organization is supported by Alexey Ekaykin, Yuri Shibajev (both AARI) and Evgeny Brovkov (JSC “Aerogeodesya”).
Further support is given by Technische Universität Dresden, Germany, and the German Society of Polar Research (DGP).
Location and time frame
The summer school will take place at AARI Ladoga Base, in the settlement Ladozhskoe Ozero (about 70 km east of St. Petersburg, 1.5 hours by local train), where also accommodation is provided.
The time frame is 10 May 2018 to 19 May 2018. The first and the last day are planned to be travel days (arrival on Thursday 10 May 2018, departure on Saturday 19 May 2018).
The summer school itself will take place from 11 to 18 May 2018.
Program of the Summer School
The program comprises lectures, exercises and practical work. We plan to organize a one‐day excursion to the city of St. Petersburg, Pulkovo Observatory and/or Kronstadt.
We aim to provide a synergetic linkage between geodesy and its application to polar regions, glaciology and geodynamics. The following colleagues were contacted to work as lecturers / teaching staff, and principal consent has already been given by:
Alexander Klepikov, Valery Lukin (AARI/RAE – Arctic and Antarctic logistics and research support)
Martin Horwath (TU Dresden – Geodesy: satellite gravimetry and altimetry and ice‐mass balance)
Mirko Scheinert (TU Dresden – Geodesy: ground‐based observations and GIA)
Alexey Ekaykin (AARI St. Petersburg – Glaciology)
Sergey Popov (PMGE/St. Petersburg State University – Geophysics and radio echo sounding)
Martin Melles (University of Cologne – Glacial, climate and sea‐level history)
Evgeniy Brovkov (JSC “Aerogeodesya” – Geodesy: ground‐based observations, GNSS practice)
Application and deadlines
If you are a student (of master and PhD courses) or a young scientist having a background in geosciences,
you are invited to apply for participation in this summer school. Since the number of places is limited,
there will be choice based on the quality of your application.
Therefore, please provide with your application:
Curriculum Vitae (including education, research and field experiences, etc., one page maximum);
A motivation letter (one page maximum);
A short support statement of your supervisor.
Please send your application as pdf document via e‐mail to Mirko Scheinert at TU Dresden, Germany
(email address: Mirko.Scheinert@tu‐dresden.de).
Deadline for application is 30 January 2018.
Soon after, the decision for participation will be made and confirmations will be sent out by 15 February 2018.
Fees and funding
Although there will be financial support by SCAR, AARI/RAE, JSC “Aerogeodesya” and DGP, we have only limited funds to our disposal.
Therefore, there will be a participation fee of US$ 300.
This includes accommodation and full‐board at AARI Ladoga Base as well as the excursion.
Furthermore, please take care for yourself to finance your travel to/from St. Petersburg and Ladozhskoe Ozero. For international participants, we will take care for the travel / connection from St. Petersburg Airport (at Pulkovo) to Ladozhskoe Ozero. More information will be given in the confirmation letter.
Mirko Scheinert
email: Mirko.Scheinert@tu‐dresden.de
Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Planetare Geodäsie
01062 Dresden
Phone: +49 351 463 33683
