Webinar on minimising the environmental impacts of polar research
The European Polar Board's Action Group of Environmental impacts of polar research, in which polar.lu board members are involved, is currently hosting a series of webinars, with audiences representing 25 different countries so far, across 5 different continents.
Join us for a webinar on Bottom-up Initiatives for Responsible Fieldwork, featuring Amy Macfarlane and Svenja Holste from the RISE Project group of APECS, on Thursday the 24th of October from 2-3 pm CEST.
This is the final session of our series on minimising environmental impacts of polar research and logistics. Be part of the conversation shaping responsible polar fieldwork! Register here:https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_i_ZifaFIT5qIZQcTbHlVGQ
