Claire Bauler in Kangiqsujjuaq and Kuujjuaq
Claire did her Master Thesis under the supervison of Prof. Gérard Duhaime and is affeliated to CIERA, Chaire de recherche du Canada sur...

Konferenz : 2006-2015: Impressiounen iwwer 12 Fuerschungsopenthalter an der héijer Arktis (Svalbard)
Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à une Conférence de Tun Kies, organisée par polar.lu en collaboration avec le Musée national...

Konferenz mamm Arved Fuchs
Neijoersempfang 2017 a Kollaboratioun mamm Cluster Maritime an Odyssea a.s.b.l.

Konferenz: From Caribou to Climate Change – Environmental Issues Facing Newfoundland and Labrador
« From Caribou to Climate Change – Environmental Issues Facing Newfoundland and Labrador » de l’Honorable Perry Trimper au Naturmusée 28...

Arctic Science am Sportslycée
Prof. Pienitz visited today students at Sportslycée. They discussed diatom research in the Canadian Arctic and did a series of hands on...

Konferenz: From ancient climates and human prehistory to modern-day lake pollution: a glance at the
From ancient climates and human prehistory to modern-day lake pollution: a glance at the universal applicability of diatoms! Prof....

Konferenz : Witnessing the changes in polar regions through research and exploration
« Witnessing the changes in polar regions through research and exploration » Lundi, le 25 avril 2016 à 19 heures à l’Université de...

Jill Diederich exploring ecological practices in Arkhangelsk
Jill Diederich, Master candidate (University of Uppsala): Arkhangelsk Jill is a member of polar.lu and conducts her research on ‘’Trash...

Eiszeit Abenteur Antarktis
Multimediashow mamm André Schumacher : Eiszeit Abenteur Antarktis Utopolis Kirchbierg 19:00 Auer Thursday, March 3, 2016 Et ass matt...

Konferenz: Geologie der Antarktis und Geologie in der Antarktis
by Georg Kleinschmidt 4 Juni 2015 um 18h30, im Naturhistorischem Museum, Luxemburg-Grund (25, rue Münster) Die erste Hälfte des Vortrags...