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- Hello -
We organize conferences and educational outreach events for the general public and with schools in Luxembourg. Our main purpose is to promote the polar regions, from the Arctic to Antarctica, in a fun and accessible manner as well as to support research in those areas.
Our enthusiastic team regroups scientists, Inuit, expeditioners, teachers and people who are simply in love with the polar regions !
- Who? -
We invite all of you interested in the polar regions to become a member and to join us on our FB Page. You are from Luxembourg or do polar research out of Luxembourg? You work or do research in the Arctic or Antarctic? You live in a remote Northern Community? You do expeditions in the Far North?
Students, scientists, teachers, professors, Inuit, First Nations!
- Purpose? -
Create a platform of all those interested by the Arctic and Antarctic on the one hand and by Luxembourg's involvement in those regions on the other hand. We organize conferences, intercultural exchanges, educational workshops in schools, expeditions and many more. has been established in 2014 as an offspring of Luxembourg’s IPY committee – Comité Luxembourgeois pour l’Année Polaire (COLUPO) & of APECS-Luxembourg, created in 2012.

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